News and Events

Keep up to date with the latest project news and upcoming events

The chemical and microbiological safety of emerging alternative protein sources and derived analogues: A review

As part of her PhD project and thesis, and as a source of information for Giant Leaps’ Work Package 7, Matilde Milana wrote her first publication. 

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GIANT LEAPS Stakeholder Board Meeting - 4th June

The GIANT LEAPS Stakeholder Board (SB) meeting was held on June 4th at the Fokker Terminal in The Hague, Netherlands. The meeting lasted from 12:00 to 17:00, starting with a networking lunch and concluding with a discussion on feedback and next steps. The event also included breakout sessions focusing on specific work packages (WPs), followed by a welcome reception at the Bridge2Food Summit Europe.

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Giant Leaps at Bridge2Food Summit Europe 2024

The latest edition of Bridge2Food Summit Europe took place from June 4th to 6th, 2024, in The Hague, Netherlands. As in previous editions, the Giant Leaps project had a dedicated booth.

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Research position open at UNINA!

Join the Giant Leaps team at the University of Naples "Federico II" on a 2-year postdoctoral position.

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Giant Leaps in VALPRO Path Podcast: Factors influencing the adoption of plant proteins (PART I)

Giant Leaps’ project coordinator Paul Vos, from Wageningen Food & Biobased Research was interviewed by Tamara Glišić-Krivošija from Foodscale Hub.

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Giant Leaps in Future of Foods podcast

Giant Leaps’ Communication, Dissemination & Exploitation Leader Edward Sliwinski from EFFoST sat down with Alex Crisp to talk about the project mission and activities.

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Watch the new Giant Leaps video!

We are excited to present our new project video, highlighting our four-year mission to reshape nutrition across Europe.

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Horizon4Proteins publishes Policy Brief to Revolutionise the Alternative Proteins Sector

The European Commission is being urged to take a series of measures to accelerate the shift to alternative protein in a policy brief published by Horizon4Proteins, a cluster of projects namely NextGenProteins, SUSINCHAIN, ProFuture, Smart Protein, and LIKE-A-PRO.

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Unlocking the potential of alternative proteins in the EU: a Horizon4Proteins Policy Roundtable event

17th May 2023

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WP8.3 Workshop: Dissemination of results to policy makers via dedicated policy briefs

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GIANT LEAPS joins the Horizon4Proteins Cluster

We are proud to announce that GIANT LEAPS, Like-a-PRO and VALPRO Path have become members of Horizon4Proteins, a collaboration launched in 2021 by four EU-funded projects working on alternative proteins (NextGenProteinsProFutureSmart Protein and SUSINCHAIN).

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Dutch National Week Without Meat & Dairy

The 6th edition of the Dutch National Week Without Meat & Dairy (Week Zonder Vlees & Zuivel) was held from March 6th to March 12th, 2023.

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WP7 Workshop: How to define future diets

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