Innovation in action: Giant Leaps Young Investigators at Fazer & VTT FutureHub

On September 4th, 2024, the Giant Leaps Young Investigators Group (YIs) met at VTT FutureHub in Espoo, Finland, for an exciting day of sharing research progress, skill-building, and collaboration.

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Innovation in action: Giant Leaps Young Investigators at Fazer & VTT FutureHub

The Young Investigators Group was launched in September 2023 during our first annual meeting in Barcelona to bring together early-career scientists – PhDs, Postdocs, and Researchers – from partner institutions all working on different aspects of the project. The group aims to

  • Enhance networking and collaboration within Giant Leaps
  • Develop personal effectiveness and soft skills
  • Enhance networking and collaboration within Giant Leaps

The meeting was opened by the three group coordinators, Armin Siegrist (PhD candidate, ETH Zurich), Venla Kytta (Postdoc, LUKE Finland), and Matilde Milana (PhD candidate, WUR) and a short introduction by each participant on the topic of their research and the latest updates and results achieved. It was a great way to catch up on where everyone’s at and the variety of approaches and research areas involved.

Next, the group dove into a workshop on presentation and public speaking skills organized by EFFoST, Europa Media, and Bridge2Food. Led by Nicole Aguerre (EFFoST) and Gloria Bevilacqua (Europa Media), the session gave some hands-on advice about how to explain complex research topics more clearly and to non-scientific audiences, leveraging the support of AI tools and visuals. Everyone had a chance to practice in small groups and fine-tune their research pitches, which made for an interactive and valuable learning experience.

In the afternoon, the group visited Fazer, one of Finland’s biggest food companies and an important stakeholder in the project. Jussi Loponen, Sanna-Maria Hongisto, Katariina Rommi and Marika Laaksonen shared with the young researchers valuable insights on their innovative work, from new plant-based food ingredients to sustainability practices and the company's future goals.

This visit was particularly meaningful for the group. It showed how industry leaders apply research to real-world products and challenges. Seeing the work being done at Fazer gave the researchers a concrete look at the potential impact of their own research, particularly in areas like alternative proteins and sustainable food development.

This meeting of the Young Investigators wasn’t just about discussing research; it was about learning, building skills, and seeing how their work fits into the bigger picture of sustainable food innovation. Overall, the day was filled with valuable insights, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of how the science they’re working on can shape the future of nutrition.

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    On September 4th, 2024, the Giant Leaps Young Investigators Group (YIs) met at VTT FutureHub in Espoo, Finland, for an exciting day of sharing research progress, skill-building, and collaboration.

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