GIANT LEAPS Stakeholder Board Meeting - 4th June

The GIANT LEAPS Stakeholder Board (SB) meeting was held on June 4th at the Fokker Terminal in The Hague, Netherlands. The meeting lasted from 12:00 to 17:00, starting with a networking lunch and concluding with a discussion on feedback and next steps. The event also included breakout sessions focusing on specific work packages (WPs), followed by a welcome reception at the Bridge2Food Summit Europe.

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GIANT LEAPS Stakeholder Board Meeting - 4th June

Key stakeholders from various organizations attended the meeting, including WUR, Teagasc, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), The Protein Brewery, ETH Zurich, the University of Surrey, Oatly, and more.

The Stakeholder Board plays a crucial role in the GIANT LEAPS project, providing diverse perspectives, expertise, and guidance that shape the project's trajectory. The active participation and feedback from SB members during the meeting emphasized the importance of continuous engagement and collaboration to address the challenges and opportunities in the alternative protein sector.

The primary goal of the meeting was to review the latest results from the GIANT LEAPS project and engage stakeholders in discussions around the progress and future directions of various work packages. The meeting aimed to foster collaboration, gather feedback, and identify areas for further development in the project's pursuit of advancing alternative proteins.


The meeting featured a comprehensive overview of GIANT LEAPS results, followed by two sets of breakout sessions:

  • WP Breakout Sessions A:
    1. WP1 focused on consumer perception and the implications for future diets and industry innovations.
    2. WP2 and WP4 discussed innovations in nutrition and digestibility, alongside industry applications.
    3. WP5 explored the Sustainability Assessment Framework, with discussions on data collection and open data sources.
  • WP Breakout Sessions B:
    1. WP3 addressed risk assessment communication and WP8 policy brief status.
    2. WP6 and WP7 demonstrated a data platform's alpha version, with insights into future use and data on future diets.
    3. An open discussion session led by WP9 covered organizational and communication topics, with a focus on collaboration opportunities.


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