The chemical and microbiological safety of emerging alternative protein sources and derived analogues: A review

As part of her PhD project and thesis, and as a source of information for Giant Leaps’ Work Package 7, Matilde Milana wrote her first publication. 

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The chemical and microbiological safety of emerging alternative protein sources and derived analogues: A review

The publication is a systematic literature review, meaning the author follows a standardized and predefined procedure to ensure the work is as unbiased as possible. As Milena shared, “It took a long time (about a year) because this research methodology is time-consuming and requires careful consideration of multiple aspects but guarantees the validity and reliability of the work. For that reason, findings from SLR are considered the highest level of knowledge in the topic.”

This review focuses on the chemical and microbiological hazards present in emerging alternative protein sources that are already or will soon be on the market. Soy and pea, for instance, are already well-known but have not been considered.

Chemical and microbiological hazards are considered food safety risks as they can cause short- or long-term adverse effects such as intoxication, food poisoning, etc. Evaluating these aspects is the first step to ensure food safety and consumers protection.

Not only partners within Giant Leaps can benefit from this work, but these findings could be of interest for several stakeholders:

  • Industry: to focus production on the protein sources at lower risks of containing hazards 
  • Policymakers: to regulate the riskiest sources, and 
  • Consumers: to protect themselves especially when industry and policymakers and not ensuring safe foods.

You can access the full review here:

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