VALPRO Path Webinar: European consumers perspectives on plant-based proteins

July 10, 2024
14:00 – 15:00 CET

Plant-based proteins are increasingly recognised for their benefits to both human health and the environment.

Join us for an engaging discussion on consumer perceptions of plant proteins, the state of the plant-based protein market, and the latest innovations.


  • An in-depth look at attitudes towards plant-based eating in Europe, Elsa Guadarrama
  • Consumer acceptance of plant proteins in target groups across different regions in Europe,  Dr Fabienne Michel
  • What does the B2B market look like for plant protein ingredients/products in Europe? Maurice O’Sullivan (M.Sc.)
  • Addressing the challenges/opportunities in meeting consumer demand for plant-based protein in Europe, Dr Ewen Mullins

Meet the Speakers:

  • Elsa Guadarrama is the Consumer and Market Research Manager at ProVeg International and will present the Smart Protein Project
  • Dr Fabienne Michel, a post-doc researcher in the Consumer Behavior Group of Prof. Dr Michael Siegrist at ETH Zürich, will present the GIANT LEAPS project
  • Maurice O’Sullivan (M.Sc.) will join us as the Director of Research & Development for Kerry Group
  • Dr Ewen Mullins, VALPRO Path’s  Project Coordinator and Head of the Crop Science Department at Teagasc
  • Dr Richard Lynch, Project Manager from Teagasc, Project Manager of the VALPRO Path Project

Register here

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    July 10, 2024
    14:00 – 15:00 CET

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